![](https://i.imgur.com/ZTURdWq.png) ### TLDR; HiveSQL will be **under maintenance and unavailable** as of **2022-04-27 22:00 UTC**. The maintenance is expected to last **1 day** (or less). **A bit of history** Last month, I had to put HiveSQL in maintenance mode to make a [major change to the database structure](/@arcange/22020302-hivesql-maintenance). That unexpected maintenance lasted almost 3 days, mostly because I struggled with storage space as HiveSQL database size is growing every day and now exceeds 3.3TB (terabytes)! To prevent such long unexpected maintenance from happening again, I ordered a new server with better performances and larger disks to **double the actual available storage size**, but given the current supply problems, it took forever to be available. The good news is that this new hardware arrived and the upgrade can finally begin. ## HiveSQL in maintenance mode As of **2022-04-27 22:00 UTC**, HiveSQL will be put under maintenance. The maintenance is **planned to last one day**. Although I think it should go faster, it's always better to take some safety margin. To speed up the transition process and minimize downtime, **access to HiveSQL unavailable** for the whole maintenance duration. I will notify you as soon as this maintenance is over. Any communication and support related to this maintenance will be done in the [HiveSQL Discord Channel](https://discord.gg/kyEFDfT) ---
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See: HiveSQL Infrastructure Upgrade by @arcange