Beta testing the Keychain in-App browser
The first version of our in-App browser is ready for testing, on both TestFlight (iOS) and Google Play as version 1.1.0.
This new version adds a browser tab to the Keychain menu, on which users can have the same Keychain experience as on their desktop browser. Testers, please update your App to 1.1.0 to test this new feature. If you wish to try it but are not on our tester list yet, join us on Discord (see below) and drop a message in the join-testers channel.
Although it's not complete yet, the most widely used operations are all included and ready to get tested:
- Login methods
- Generic broadcasts
- Post / Comment
- Vote
- Transfer (with or without encrypted memo)
- Hive Engine Transfer
- Power up / down
- Delegations
- Proposal votes
- Witness vote / proxy
- Encode / Decode message
- Sign transaction / buffer
Please don't hesitate to open issue on our Github.
Future improvements for the in-App browser that are already on the roadmap for the next update include:
- Adding missing requests
- Handle browser history
- Url autocomplete
- Handling multiple browser tabs
- Bookmarking
- Automatically accept posting authority requests if whitelisted (similar to the browser extension)
Download the Apps
- This is a first release and the Application is still in Beta. It has been tested extensively but it should not by any means be the only place you store your keys on.
- To import accounts quickly from your Hive Keychain extension to your mobile App, use the QR Code scanner by pressing the QR code logo:
On your extension, navigate to the menu (top right button), then to Manage Accounts
and finally click on Show QR Code
To communicate with us or become an Alpha tester, join our Discord by following this link :
Or scanning this QR Code :
Core Team
@stoodkev : Lead Dev - Witness
@nateaguila : UI/UX
@yabapmatt : Founder - Witness
@aggroed : Founder - Witness