A new release of [peakd.com](https://peakd.com) is now available. Keep reading to discover the new features and check the full list of improvements ;)

The new release is now live at https://peakd.com

![release_cover_20201124.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/peakd/af4z4wui-release_cover_20201124.jpg) #### 1. Hivemind API Extensions Until the [last HF](https://peakd.com/hiveblockchain/@hiveio/final-hive-hf24-date-set-october-6-2020) we have used our own Hivemind instance to power some of the features available on [peakd.com](https://peakd.com). This was required because some features as Favorites, Lists, Badges needs to access specific data not available on the standard API nodes. Updating our own Hivemind database to the latest version was definitely possible (with a bit more effort on us than what used to be before the HF), but we decided to do a change in how we provide the required data for those features. So instead of updating the node we create a plugin (or extension) that can be installed on Hivemind servers to provide those additional APIs. [![peakd-hivemind-plugin.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peak-projects/peakd-hivemind-plugin/main/resources/cover.png)](https://github.com/peak-projects/peakd-hivemind-plugin) Similar to what we have done with [Hive Node Beacon](https://github.com/peak-projects/peakd-node-beacon) a few weeks ago this plugin is available as an open source project on GitHub: https://github.com/peak-projects/peakd-hivemind-plugin. Also having the plugin available as an independent open source project make it possible for node operators to run it and provide the additional features in a more decentralized way. A big thank you to @arcange and @emrebeyler for their help in setting up the first 2 nodes. #### 2. New Curated Contents page for Communities Communities can now configure a curator account that will enable a new tab/page to showcase a curated content list. ![Curated Content list for https://peakd.com/c/hive-193212/trail](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/peakd/Y6SZD78j-image.png) To configure the curator account just set the account name in the community settings: ![image.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/peakd/EgMAentD-image.png) #### 3. Show Top Viewed Daily/Weekly awards on posts We started tracking views a few weeks ago, and we are constantly trying to improve on this. With this release we are starting an experimental tracking of the top daily/weekly viewed posts on peakd.com. You can see 2 new awards on posts ranked as 'top of the day' or 'top of the week'. ![image.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/peakd/GZaEfvyM-image.png) #### 4. Mixcloud embeds and Improved Spotify support With this release it's possible to embed Mixcloud playlists with a simple link: `https://www.mixcloud.com/MagneticMagazine/ambient-meditations-vol-21-anane` And also support for Spotify as been improved and can now be embedded with just the link: `https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5UV4uC6N0lZ7q9ui3yIbqn?si=SGsfW4mYRGa2nA91e-cU1A` The result should be similar to this: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5UV4uC6N0lZ7q9ui3yIbqn?si=SGsfW4mYRGa2nA91e-cU1A #### 5. Add Rising Star to the Games section in Wallet Rising Star is now included in the [wallet](https://peakd.com/wallet) 'Games' section. ![image.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/peakd/6Mt6tve4-image.png) Check our the game using this link: https://risingstargame.com/ #### 6. Some minor improvements and bug fixes As always some minor improvements, updates and fixes across the website. You can check the full release notes here: **https://peakd.com/about/changelog**. ``` # Improvements and Fixes ------------------------------ [update] Improve layout and performance for Top Views page [update] Don't load comments by default for user not logged in [update] Show a button to publish a new post when an user blog is empty [update] Mark notification as read on all browser tabs after casting the transaction [update] Rework usage of 'get_account_history' API call to better handle the new behavior [fix] Fix 'upcoming' indicator in Proposals page ``` --- ## Support the @peakd project Now is probably a nice time to remind you of the ways you can support the development of @peakd. ![Selection_298.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/peakd/w36DQpO7-Selection_298.png) We have a proposal on the Decentralized Hive Fund. You can review the proposal [here](/proposals/52). If you agree to the proposal and you think the points mentioned add value to the Hive Blockchain consider supporting it using the above links or directly with **[this link](https://hivesigner.com/sign/update-proposal-votes?proposal_ids=[52]&approve=true)**. --- We also run a witness server to help produce the blocks for the Hive Blockchain. You can vote for our witness so we are in a position to process more of them. Vote on the witness page: https://peakd.com/witnesses - Using Keychain: You just have to click and approve the transaction - Using HiveSigner: You'll need access to confirm the transaction with your Active Key at least --- ###### *The PeakD Team* _About us: https://peakd.com/about_ _Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/Fy3bca5_

See: Hivemind API Extension, Community Curated Content and More by @peakd