![](https://i.imgur.com/4qjwaYD.png) Several developers have recently contacted us to ask if it is possible to integrate HiveBuzz badges with their websites or applications. This is why we have set up an API server that will allow them to easily obtain information relating to users' badges. The API is free to use. However, be aware that the call rate is throttled to avoid exhausting the server resources. ## How to use the HiveBuzz API? ### Endpoint http://hivebuzz.me/api ### /badges/{username}/ ||| |-|-| |Method|GET| |Description|Retrieve the list of all badges for a user, including those that were not collected by the user| |Example|https://hivebuzz.me/api/badges/arcange| Returns an array of objects with the following properties ||| |-|-| |`type`|badge type _(activity, perso, meetup)_| |`ID`|identifier| |`name`|short name| |`title`|name of the badge displayed on the board| |`description`|Description of the badge that is displayed in the description modal window when you click on a badge| |`description_title`|Title displayed on the top of the description window| |`group`|Group identifier used to group badges by affinity| |`url`|url of the the badge| Sample Response: ```JS [ ..., { "type": "perso", "ID": 38, "name": "birthday-3", "title": "3 years on the Hive blockchain", "description": "Congratulations! You joined Hive blockchain three years ago!", "description_title": "3 years on the Hive blockchain", "group": "P01", "url": "https://hivebuzz.me/badges/birthday-3.png" }, { "type": "meetup", "ID": 43, "name": "steemfest-4", "title": "SteemFest 4 Attendee", "description": "You went to Bangkok to attend SteemFest⁴", "description_title": "SteemFest 4 Attendee", "group": "M01", "url": "https://hivebuzz.me/badges/steemfest-4.s4.png" }, ... ] ``` ### /owners/{id}/ ||| |-|-| |Method|GET| |Description|Query for the owner list of a badge| |Example| https://hivebuzz.me/api/owners/43| Returns an array of strings (usernames) Sample Response: `["achimmertens","arcange","brittandjosie","charly.travels","coolsurfer","detlev","fynemiene","louis88","martibis","pundito","rollie1212","sunsea"]` ### Displaying a user level badge Displaying the level badge of a user is quite easy and doesn't require to call any API. You can simply build the URL of the image using the following format: **`https://hivebuzz.me/{username}/level.png`** Example: `https://hivebuzz.me/@arcange/level.png` HiveBuzz will update the image automatically whenever the user's level changes (up or down) or when the user becomes inactive. ### Support If you need help to integrate your website or application with HiveBuzz, feel free to contact us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/J6JrABJ). **The Hivebuzz Team** ---
HiveBuzz needs your help! **Read and support [our proposal](https://peakd.com/me/proposals/109)!**
_HiveBuzz is a project created by @arcange_

See: Introducing the HiveBuzz API for applications and websites by @hivebuzz