BeeChat is real-time chat service for Hive built by Hive-Engine. You probably have read the [announcement post](https://hive.blog/beechat/@aggroed/beechat-chatting-with-friends-through-hive-sites-like-nftshowroom-com) by @aggroed. If you have a Hive account, you can start chatting immediately with other users from the websites which would implement BeeChat in them. Hive-Engine is open sourcing BeeChat client website which may help other developers to add chat feature in their website or mobile apps. BeeChat Demo: https://beechat.hive-engine.com/ BeeChat Client: https://github.com/hive-engine/beechat-frontend Client website is written in Vue JS, the logic for implementation on other frameworks should be similar. In future we will provide a embed-able chat widget code which will make it very easy to add the chat in any website. # BeeChat Developer Documentation ## API Base URL: https://beechat.hive-engine.com/api ### `GET /users/login` Logs in a user. **Query Parameters** - `username`: String - Hive username, e.g. `reazuliqbal` - `ts`: Number - Timestamp in miliseconds, e.g. `1601355471900` - `sig`: String - Signed `username + timestamp` using user's posting/active key. e.g. `reazuliqbal1601355471900` **Example Response** ```jsonld= { "username": "reazuliqbal", "admin": true, "ws_token": "01EKC3JVR2D81AM8Z9S3Q0NVAJ" } ``` ### `GET /users/verify` Verifies if the current access token is valid. If the access token is not valid and there is a refresh token, then a new access token will be issued. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= { "username": "reazuliqbal", "ws_token": "01EKC3JVR2D81AM8Z9S3Q0NVAJ" } ``` ### `GET /users/refresh-token` Requests a new access token. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= { "username": "reazuliqbal", "ws_token": "01EKC3JVR2D81AM8Z9S3Q0NVAJ" } ``` ### `GET /users/friends` Returns user's friends and blocked list. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= { "friends": ["codebull", "bdcommunity", "aggroed"], "blocked": ["reazul-dev"] } ``` ### `GET /users/friend-requests` Returns an array of user's pending friend requests. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= [{ "id": "01EKC46ZMG111C2HYABE80WE8T", "username": "reazul-dev" }] ``` ### `GET /users/settings` Returns user's settings. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= { "dm": { "only_from_friends": false } } ``` ### `POST /users/settings` Updates the user's settings. **Payload** - `dm` - Object -- `only_from_friends`: Boolean **Example Response** ```json= { "dm": { "only_from_friends": false } } ``` ### `GET /users/channels` Returns an array of user-created channels. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Payload** ```json= [{ "moderators": [], "members": ["reazuliqbal"], "blocked": false, "type": "channel", "name": "BDCommunity Chat", "creator": "reazuliqbal", "created_at": "2020-09-29T05:17:43.848Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T05:17:43.848Z", "id": "01EKC4Q317YM484Z7BMVG9Y1K0" }, .... .... ] ``` ### `POST /users/channels` Creates a new channel. **Payload** - `name`: String **Example Response** ```json= { "id": "01EKC4Q317YM484Z7BMVG9Y1K0", "name": "BDCommunity Chat", "creator": "reazuliqbal" } ``` ### `GET /users/logout` Logs out the user. ### `GET /messages/conversations` Returns an array of user's conversations. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= [{ "moderators": [], "members": ["codebull", "reazuliqbal"], "blocked": false, "type": "dm", "creator": "reazuliqbal", "created_at": "2020-09-29T04:09:31.453Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T04:09:51.596Z", "id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR" }, ..... ..... ] ``` ### `GET /messages/conversation` Returns details of a conversation. **Query Parameters** - `id`: String - ID of a conversation - `ids`: String - Comma separated IDs of conversations Either `id`, or `ids` is required. **Example Response** ```json= { "moderators": [], "members": ["codebull", "reazuliqbal"], "blocked": false, "type": "dm", "creator": "reazuliqbal", "created_at": "2020-09-29T04:09:31.453Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T04:09:51.596Z", "id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR" } ``` ### `GET /messages/new` Return an array of unread messages. **Query Parameters** No parameters are needed. **Example Response** ```json= [{ "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR", "from": "codebull", "to": "reazuliqbal", "content": "Whats up?", "timestamp": "2020-09-29T05:31:56.399Z", "id": "01EKC5H3KFSWN7FE9XT497HGQT" }, .... .... ] ``` ### `GET /messages/chats` **Query Parameters** - `conversation_id`: String. Required - Conversation ID - `before`: Number. Optional - Timestamp from which to return messages - `limit`: Number. Optional - Number of messages to return **Example Response** ```json= [{ "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR", "from": "reazuliqbal", "to": "codebull", "content": "Hey, first message from BeeChat", "timestamp": "2020-09-29T04:09:31.473Z", "id": "01EKC0T6JHCGEPGPSMRB3X88RR", "read": true }, { "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR", "from": "codebull", "to": "reazuliqbal", "content": "Hey Hey!", "timestamp": "2020-09-29T04:09:51.617Z", "id": "01EKC0TT81T2WGRKKYPQRXWGVA", "read": true }, .... .... ] ``` ## WebSocket Server: `wss://ws.beechat.hive-engine.com` A WebSocket server is for two way communication between a server and a user, this facilitates the real-time chatting. As soon as a user connects to the WebSocket server, they should authenticate themselves otherwise the connection will be closed by the server. The server will only accept JSON message and will also reply in JSON. **Protocol** ```json= { "type": String, "payload": Object } ``` ### Authentication Authenticate the user with the server. **Message** ```json= { "type": "authenticate", "payload": {} } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "status", "payload": { "authenticated": true } } ``` `authenticated` could be true or false depending on the user's authentication status. ### Create Conversation Creates a DM or group conversation. **Payload** - `to`: String (dm) or Array (group) - `message`: String **Message** ```json= // DM { "type": "create-conversation", "payload": { "to": "reazuliqbal", "message": "Hi" } } // GROUP { "type": "create-conversation", "payload": { "to": ["codebull", "reazul-dev"], "message": "This is a group conversation!" } } ``` **Response** The server will respond with two messages. One for the created conversation and one for the new chat message. ```json= { "type": "conversation-created", "payload": { "moderators": [], "members": ["codebull", "reazul-dev", "reazuliqbal"], "blocked": false, "type": "group", "creator": "reazuliqbal", "created_at": "2020-09-29T06:16:25.695Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-29T06:16:25.695Z", "id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER" } } ``` ```json= {"type":"chat-message","payload":{"id":"01EKC82JBDQD25B94NZRSH2FMX","conversation_id":"01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER","content":"This is a group conversation!","from":"reazuliqbal","to":null,"read":false,"timestamp":"2020-09-29T06:16:25.709Z"}} ``` ### Rename Conversation Renames a group conversation. Only the creator can rename a conversation. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation to be renamed. - `name`: String - New name **Message** ```json= { "type": "rename-conversation", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "name": "The Awesome Group" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "conversation-renamed", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "name": "The Awesome Group" } } ``` ### Leave Conversation Leaves a conversation. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation. **Message** ```json= { "type": "leave-conversation", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER" } } ``` **Response** To user: ```json= { "type": "conversation-removed", "payload": { "id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER" } } ``` To all members: ```json= { "type": "member-left", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "member": "codebull" } } ``` ### Chat Message Send a new chat message. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation. - `to` : String (dm) or null (group) - Username of the recipient or null - `message`: String - Message to be sent to the chat **Message** ```json= // DM { "type": "chat-message", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR", "to": "reazuliqbal", "message": "Hey" } } // GROUP { "type": "chat-message", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "to": null, "message": "Hey!" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "chat-message", "payload": { "id": "01EKCA9BWCJXQEPMVF047QQFXW", "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR", "content": "Hey", "from": "codebull", "to": "reazuliqbal", "read": false, "timestamp": "2020-09-29T06:55:05.613Z" } } ``` ### Delete Message Deletes a message from chat. The sender can delete a message. Creator and Moderators can delete any message from a group chat. **Payload** - `id`: String - ID of the message **Message** ```json= { "type": "delete-message", "payload": { "id": "01EKCAE9KSKTQ7SHX0P0PZZ53Z" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "message-deleted", "payload": { "id": "01EKCAE9KSKTQ7SHX0P0PZZ53Z" } } ``` ### Acknowledgment Sets a conversation as read. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation **Message** ```json= { "type": "acknowledgment", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "acknowledged", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR" } } ``` ### Add Member Adds a new member to a group conversation. Creator and Moderators can add a new member. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation to be renamed. - `username`: String - New member's Hive username **Message** ```json= { "type": "add-member", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "bdcommunity" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "member-added", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "bdcommunity" } } ``` ### Remove Member Removes a member from a group conversation. Creator and Moderators can remove a member. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation to be renamed. - `username`: String - Hive username of the member to be removed. **Message** ```json= { "type": "remove-member", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "bdcommunity" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "member-removed", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "bdcommunity" } } ``` ### Add Moderator Adds a new moderator for a group conversation. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation. - `username`: String - Hive username of the member. **Message** ```json= { "type": "add-moderator", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "moderator-added", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` ### Remove Moderator Removes a moderator. Only the Creator can remove a moderator. **Payload** - `conversation_id`: String - ID of the conversation. - `username`: String - Hive username of the member. **Message** ```json= { "type": "remove-moderator", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "moderator-removed", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC82JAMV9JQ1PPG9CNDF3ER", "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` ### Request Friendship Sends a friend request. **Payload** - `username`: String - Hive username **Message** ```json= { "type": "request-friendship", "payload": { "username": "reazuliqbal" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "friendship-requested", "payload": { "id": "01EKCB8D4PVDHBQ4MC7T4JFYAB", "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` ### Accept Friendship Accepts a friend request. **Payload** - `id`: String - ID of the friend request **Message** ```json= { "type": "accept-friendship", "payload": { "id": "01EKCB8D4PVDHBQ4MC7T4JFYAB" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "friendship-accepted", "payload": { "id": "01EKCB8D4PVDHBQ4MC7T4JFYAB", "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` ### Reject Friendship Rejects a friend request. **Payload** - `id`: String - ID of the friend request **Message** ```json= { "type": "reject-friendship", "payload": { "id": "01EKCBKXX88MANDK8FWNQAG8AB" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "friendship-rejected", "payload": { "id": "01EKCBKXX88MANDK8FWNQAG8AB" } } ``` ### Remove Friendship Removes a friend. **Payload** - `username`: String - Hive username **Message** ```json= { "type": "remove-friendship", "payload": { "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "friendship-removed", "payload": { "username": "reazul-dev" } } ``` ### Block User Blocks a user, blocking a user will remove them from the friend list. **Payload** - `username`: String - Hive username **Message** ```json= { "type": "block-user", "payload": { "username": "codebull" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "user-blocked", "payload": { "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR", "username": "codebull" } } ``` ### Unblock User Unblocks a user. **Payload** - `username`: String - Hive username **Message** ```json= { "type": "unblock-user", "payload": { "username": "codebull" } } ``` **Response** ```json= { "type": "user-unblocked", "payload": { "username": "codebull", "conversation_id": "01EKC0T6HEVRDP0CYGZAE6VVFR" } } ``` ### Re-authentication Required Server will send `reauthentication-required` message 1 minute before authentication is about to expire. Do listen to those messages for renewing authentication by requesting a new access token from the `/users/refresh-token` API endpoint. **Response** ```json= { "type": "reauthentication-required", "payload": { "username": "codebull" } } ``` ___ Please note that this service is in Beta. If you find any bug, please report them to me @reazuliqbal (`reazuliqbal#1149`). If you need any help in implementing this chat, feel free to contact me on Discord. ___
I am running a Hive Witness as @BDCommunity. **Please vote for [@BDCommunity](https://hivesigner.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=bdcommunity&approve=1) as a witness.**

See: Open sourcing BeeChat Client And Developer Documentation by @reazuliqbal