# Meeting tl;dr: This has been a rather quick meeting, we mostly wanted to sync on the current testing status. blocktrades' team is still hard a work, they found a few bugs in hivemind and are working on it, but it will cause some delays, we hope to get a testnet running in 1 to 2 weeks. We are now in the feature freeze phase, which means no more features will be added to the release. So most of the work is being put towards testing and bugfixing. We had the opportunity to discuss a few ideas for the future: - Adding downvote power delegations - Adding a decay to pretty much any "hive power" operation (proxy, witness vote, proposal vote, delegation etc) - reducing the number of daily votes Blocktrades would like to have another hard fork in about 3 months, that's quite an aggressive timeline but it would allow us to ship a lot of tweaks to what I would call the "business logic" which is kind of what I wrote above, it's changes that do nothing on the technical side but affect the economy of the chain and the way we interact with it. But doing this "business logic tweak" hard fork would mean no smt for the next hard fork (as we can definitely not ship them in 3 months) so it's still up in the air what we will do, there are quite a few things for which we need to poll the community. Expect some from me or @blocktrades in the community. Anyways, there are more stuff that we discussed but it doesn't really fit as "tl;dr" so feel free to listen in.

See: Hive core developper meeting #7 by @howo